Last updated on July 3rd, 2024 at 06:35 pm
If you’ve been curious to know, “Is manifesting against God”, I will go ahead and tell you right off the bat the simple answer is no.
However, the long answer is a bit more complicated.
With the new hype in manifesting, there are a lot of myths, misconceptions, and misinformation that come with it.
This can all be a bit confusing and cause many of us to have questions.
So, in this article, I will be breaking down what manifesting really is and when it starts to cross the line of being a sin.
I will cover topics such as:
- What Is Manifesting?
- Is Manifesting A Sin?
- How The Bible Uses The Word “Manifest”
- Does Manifestation Contradict The Bible?
- Is Manifestation Demonic?
- Is Manifesting Money A Sin?
- FAQ- Is Manifesting Against God?
What Is Manifesting?
Before we dive into the question, “Is manifesting against God?”, we must first talk about what manifesting is to begin with. To manifest means to appear to the senses or show itself, according to YourDictionary.
You’ll usually see the word “manifest” used in sentences such as “Sleep issues can manifest themselves in different ways” or “The love of its citizens for sculpture is abundantly manifest in the statues and carvings on their houses”
So when you say you want to manifest something all you’re saying is that you want to take something that’s not in this “physical” world so to speak (like an idea or a feeling) and bring it about in this reality.
We do this regardless of whether you realize it or not.
For example, if you’re upset that emotion is going to manifest itself in one way or another whether it’s you snapping at your partner or flipping someone off.
Another example is if you have a desire to change your life for the better; that desire will manifest itself in one way or another whether that be you running in the morning or eating a salad.
Manifesting is just having a feeling or desire and finding a way to make it a reality. You can do this intentionally or unintentionally.
Is Manifesting A Sin?
If you’re still curious to know is manifesting a sin the answer is no. To sin is to do something immoral or wrong, so taking an idea or feeling and bringing it into this world is not a sin in itself.
However, we were gifted with free will, so that means that you are of your own free will to decide what you want to bring into this reality and how you will do so.
Whether you choose ethical ways or unethical ways is the true question, and that’s really where the conversation of sin actually comes into play.
To decide to manifest something isn’t a sin, though.
Kind Reminder: “Let all that you do be done with love.” I Corinthians 16:14
When Does Manifesting Become A Sin?
Considering that sin is an immoral or regrettable act, manifesting starts to cross the line of being immoral when you are causing harm to yourself or others in any capacity.
You see, to make a dream of yours a reality is not a bad thing in itself, but if you try to achieve it in a way of being manipulative, malicious, or unethical then that is a bad thing, my friend.
We do not condone bad things over here.
It’s all peace and love, so when we start to go outside of that is when we need to take a step back and ask ourselves is this something that I would want someone else to do to me? And if not, then why am I doing it?
I’ve seen some people say that manifesting is a sin because it’s a way to pretend to be God, and this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Attempting to turn an idea or feeling into something tangible (physical or touchable) is not pretending to be God and it’s not witchcraft either.
It’s having a goal in mind and taking action to reach that goal.
As far as crystals and tarot go, that’s actually not something that is directly tied to manifestation.
While it is a popular topic in manifestation spaces, it’s not something that you need in order to be successful at manifesting.
In all honesty, I have done absolutely nothing with crystals, tarot, or angel numbers. Not because it doesn’t work but because I have no interest in that.
I like to make things as simple as possible for both of us and coming up with ways to better your mindset and life through your daily actions is the most effective way to do it.
How The Bible Uses The Word Manifesting
The Bible has used the word manifest on many occasions, and the word is used in the same context as above. Such as
- “But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.” Ephesians 5:13
- “Because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.” Romans 1:19
- “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:” I Corinthians 12:4-7
This is what I mean when I say the bible doesn’t go against manifestation. The words “manifest” and “manifestation” are used in the same way as what the definition is (which is to show itself).
So, is manifesting against God? No.
We as humans were literally designed to manifest things. Look at every non-living object around you. Those were all once thoughts that manifested themselves into reality.
Even the people you see today were once thoughts that were manifested into reality. So when you hear, “You can manifest anything” it’s true. But that’s not the real question.
The real question is, “How do you stay on track consistently to manifest what you want?”
Learn More: The Most Powerful Manifestation Technique (Science-Based)
Does Manifestation Contradict The Bible?
When you ask yourself “Is manifesting against God” the next question that follows suit is “Does manifestation contradict the Bible” and the answer is absolutely not.
Some people out there may tell you that manifesting causes you to rely solely on yourself and not to rely on God at all, and that’s just simply not true.
Taking charge of your own life doesn’t mean you’re turning away from God, if anything it means you’re getting even closer to Him.
It’s one thing to rely on God for guidance, wisdom, miracles, and love but it’s another thing to expect God to provide us with every single thing in our lives and all we have to do is pray and go to church and that’s it. No ma’am.
You have to work for what you want. A common verse in the bible is “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.” II Thessalonians 3:10
Another myth you’ll hear is that if you’re manifesting then you’re trying to be God. This is also not true.
We are encouraged to work and create with the things that God has given us. Which is basically what manifesting is. It’s taking a desire (something that isn’t tangible) and creating something in this physical world.
“Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuit lacks sense” Proverbs 12:11
But what about verses such as Psalm 27:14 “Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait I say on the Lord!”?
That’s true, you should be patient in what you pray for, but that doesn’t mean you don’t take any action.
Choosing to manifest something isn’t speeding up the process. It’s taking ownership of what you can do to better your life, taking it one day at a time, and keeping your faith high.
Is Manifestation Demonic?
The short answer to this is no.
Again, the definition of manifesting is to simply make something apparent or evident. So to make a thought or desire evident is not demonic in itself.
However, as I said, amongst all the hype in manifestation there are A LOT of misconceptions and misinformation.
I would be lying to you if I told you that everyone who teaches manifestation is trying to help you because that’s just simply not the case.
In today’s society where people constantly want you to buy their next best thing, there are many people who claim to be manifestation gurus and they will try to promote a spirit of greed and obsession in order to sell something to you.
Does that mean that every person out there who talks about manifestation is trying to do this? Absolutely not.
However, like many things in life, you will have people who genuinely want to spread a good message and you will have people who just want to sell you something. It’s up to you, your discernment, and your intuition to spot the difference.
If you allow yourself to become consumed by those feelings of greed, selfishness, and obsession then yes that will lead you away from God and His teachings. But does that mean that manifestation in itself is demonic? No.
Is Manifesting Money A Sin?
Many people who wonder, “Is manifesting against God?” also tend to question “Is manifesting money a sin?” and I can assure you manifesting money is not a sin.
There is nothing wrong with having the desire to manifest more money, but if that desire turns into an excessive desire then we start to run into some issues because we are now crossing over into greed, which is a sin.
What’s the difference between a desire and an excessive desire?
A desire is when you want something, which is something we all do because it’s natural.
An excessive desire is something more selfish and obsessive; you will pretty much do anything at any cost to have said desire. All you can think about is that desire and all you operate out of is to have said desire (whatever it may be).
So to put it simply: a desire is a natural feeling of wanting to have something and an excessive desire is an extreme feeling of wanting something oftentimes way more than your proper portion.
For some people when they hear someone having a desire to make more money they automatically think that means that person is greedy. But that’s not how greed works.
The definition of greed is to have an excessive and/or intense desire for something more, often way more than their appropriate share.
Being greedy doesn’t always mean you’re greedy for money either. A lot of times greedy people have an intense desire for power, social status, food, relationships, as well as money.
To desire to make more money doesn’t necessarily mean that you have an excessive desire to make more money. It just means you want to make more money, and that could be for many reasons such as wanting to give back to your community or to better your children’s lives.
Learn More: Best Manifestation Journals & Tips For Amazing Results
If You Manifest Does That Mean You Don’t Trust God?
Many people believe that if you manifest something that means you don’t trust God to deliver what you’ve prayed for and this also couldn’t be further from the truth.
Manifestation is not about blindly wishing for something.
It’s deciding what you want in life, making the necessary changes in your life to achieve that goal, and trusting the process (to put it simply).
And a large part of trusting the process is trusting in God.
Despite what some people may tell you, the Bible does not encourage us to pray for something and just sit around and wait for God to deliver. The bible warns us about laziness and the effects it can have on your life.
For example, Proverb 13:4 says, “Lazy people want much and get little, but those who work hard will prosper.”
You have to work for what you want, things don’t just fall out of the sky. And while you’re working for what you want, it’s also just as important to keep your faith in God that He will deliver what you’ve prayed for in due time.
I must also say that God doesn’t always deliver things right when we want them or even how we want them.
Oftentimes, the thing you’ve been praying for does not show up how you thought it would. This is why it’s so important to trust the process and to trust in God.
Is Law Of Attraction A Sin?
The Law of Attraction is the principle that like attracts like, so what you think about is what you get. I know this may be a daunting thing if you tend to be anxious a lot, but this isn’t meant to be taken so literally.
Think of it more as what you focus on in life is what you get.
The thoughts that run through your mind on a consistent basis, day in and day out, are what will show up in your life. The good news is that you do have control over your mindset, thoughts, and actions.
Is it an easy task to gain better control of the thoughts you have? Nope, but is it possible? Absolutely.
So, is the law of attraction a sin? No ma’am, it is not.
A sin is something immoral or a regrettable fault, and the principle that what you focus on is what you get is not immoral or a regrettable fault. It’s a principle; one of the 12 Universal Laws to be specific.
Some of the 12 Laws of The Universe include:
- Law of Cause and Effect
- Law of Correspondence
- Law of Polarity
What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The law of attraction is the principle that like attracts like, or in other words, what you think about, comes about in your life.
So for example, if you tend to have an attitude of gratitude then you will attract more things to be grateful for or if you have a negative outlook, you will attract negative things into your life.
Is this foolproof? No.
But have I seen this in my own life? Yes, case in point when I get on a loop of thoughts that bring me anxiety, and with one thought comes another thing to be worried about and another and another.
Or on the flip side of this, when I decide I’m going to intentionally be grateful that day and then more and more things to be grateful for keep popping up throughout the day.
I say all this to say, don’t take the law of attraction (or anything you read) too literally. Think of the law of attraction as the type of vibe you’re on for the most part is what you’ll get out of life.
Which is true.
Think of someone you know where they’re just a pessimist and all they seem to encounter are bad things. Then think of someone in your life when good things “constantly” happen to them. Do you know the difference?
Their attitudes. That’s essentially what the law of attraction is.
Read More: Bible Affirmations For Success And Prosperity
FAQ- Is Manifesting Against God?
What Does Manifesting Mean In The Bible?
The Bible has used the words “manifest” and “manifestation” many times, and each time it is used in the same way as the definition of what manifesting is, which is to make something evident, visible, or apparent.
For example, John 3:21 states “But he hath doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”
Is Manifesting A Bad Thing?
If you’re curious to know “Is manifesting against God or a bad thing?”, the answer is no. To manifest something simply means to make it evident, visible, or apparent, or in other words to take something that’s not in this physical world and bring it into the physical world such as an idea or desire.
What Verse In The Bible Talks About Manifestation?
There are several verses in the Bible that talk about manifestation including Romans 1:19 “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed [it] unto them.” and I Corinthians 3:13 “Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.”
Are Manifestations Spiritual?
Many people question “Are manifestations spiritual?” and the straightforward answer to this is no. The basic definition of manifesting is to make something visible and the basic definition of being spiritual is relating to religion or one’s religious belief. To take an idea/desire and make it apparent can happen whether you’re spiritual or not.
Can Christians Manifest?
Christians can absolutely manifest! There is nothing wrong with having a desire/idea and making it a reality. You just want to be careful with keeping your desires in check and keeping them aligned with love, peace, and God’s teachings.
Final Thoughts- Is Manifesting Against God?
If you’ve been wondering, “Is manifesting against God?” I hope I was able to clear up any concerns. One more time for the road though, manifesting is not against God.
Choosing to create something or better your life is not something bad or immoral. It’s what we were designed to do.
Don’t let anyone make you think otherwise.
You can still manifest your desires and build your relationship with God while keeping your faith and trust in God.
I wouldn’t recommend trying to manifest something without having faith anyway.
Continue taking those small daily actions to make your dreams come true and continue making your future self proud.
Thank you for reading, and I will see you in the next article, peace!
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Great read! Nice biblical reference and you opened my mind to the true understanding of how and what affects our minds have on our daily lives. Thumbs up!