Last updated on January 19th, 2024 at 10:05 pm
Want to know how to manifest friends? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
Not having a solid group of friends, or any friends for that matter, sucks. I’m just going to be completely honest about it.
In my first year of college, I felt completely alone. I literally only had one good friend on campus. I know for some of you, you may not even have that. And if this is the case, don’t worry because I found a proven solution for you.
I’ve compiled a straightforward step-by-step guide on how to manifest friends, and I know this works because I used it myself!
By the end of my first year of college, I had not only gained more friends but I gained good friends because let me tell you there is a difference between a friend and a good friend.
So with that being said, let’s get right into my exclusive guide to solve loneliness and attract amazing friends into your life!
Read More: The Most Powerful Manifestation Technique (Instant Results!)
How To Manifest Friends The Right Way
1. Write Down What You Want In A Good Friend/Group Of Friends
You need to know what you want in a good friend before being able to manifest friendship. The reason why I recommend you write it is because it gets it out of your head and on paper and honestly it’s fun to look back on once you do manifest your friends.
Ask yourself things like:
Do they like to go out and do things or are they a homebody
What do you guys have in common
What is a good friend to you
What is something important to both of you
I also recommend keeping in mind, and even writing down, what you don’t want in a friend. The only thing is that you don’t want to stay focused on what you don’t want because then that’ll be the very thing you attract.
That’s why I suggest writing down what you don’t want and leaving it there just to get it off your chest.
Like for example I don’t want a friend who:
Is rude
Has no sense of humor
Lacks initiative, drive, or motivation
Is selfish to their core
Read More: 15 Green Flags Of A Friend (So You Can Avoid Toxic Friends)
2. Let Go Of The Friends Who Are No Longer A Good Fit
As they always say the birds of a feather flock together so it’s crucial that you let go of those who are no longer a good fit in your life.
The longer you hang out with people who are no longer bringing anything to the table the longer it will take to manifest good friends.
The reason why is because when you spend time with people who either aren’t a good fit for you, or aren’t a good person at all, you are wasting precious time with people you don’t even see in your future.
Tip On Manifesting: When you decide to manifest something you have to be aligned with it. How do you get aligned with something? Through your feelings, thoughts, and actions.
How do you get aligned with manifesting friends specifically? You start to think about (visualize) yourself having said friends.
Then, assuming you would be happier once you manifest friendships, you want to start finding ways to feel happy now.
You especially want to find things to be grateful for in the present moment because that’s the fastest way to tap into feelings of gratitude.
And the reason why you want to tap into feelings of happiness and gratitude is because you want to align yourself with the version of you who has amazing friends.
It doesn’t have to just be feelings of happiness or gratitude either. Just think about the way you would feel when you have your friend(s) and start to find ways to feel that now.
3. Practice Patience While Manifesting Friends
Practicing patience is important because when you’re impatient you naturally come from a place of being desperate. You don’t want to do that because you are going to get the opposite of what you’re looking for.
Remember, whatever feelings/frequency you align yourself with is what you will get. If you’re impatient and try to rush the process you will get impatient rushed results.
Calm down, relax, and be grateful for what you have while you’re attracting what you desire.
4. Let Go Of The Outcome
Letting go of the outcome is a very important step in manifestation.
When you stress about what you want to manifest you are actually pushing away what you want, and not only that but you will wind up attracting the very thing you were stressing about.
Why does this happen?
Because that’s what you’re focused on. What you focus on is essentially what you get. I mean think about just regular things that take up your headspace. It tends to pop up in your life huh?
At least it does for me.
According to this amazing book by Rhonda Byrne called The Secret the Universe is basically like a genie in a bottle, only this time the wishes are unlimited. And the way it works is by you asking for what you want. This can happen in 3 ways:
Literally asking for it (saying what you want out loud or praying for it)
Constantly thinking about it
Getting on that frequency (like for example when you’re on that positive feedback loop of things constantly going wrong)
So when you stress about manifesting your desire you are signaling to the universe fear, doubt, and desperation, and guess what? That’s exactly what you’ll get back!
When you relax and trust that you will manifest amazing friends in due time you will receive what you desire.
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5. Believe You Can And Will Manifest Friendship
Another very important part of manifestation is believing. It will not come to fruition if you don’t believe it will. And a lot of this is due to limiting beliefs.
What are limiting beliefs?
According to Better Up, a limiting belief is “a thought or state of mind that you think is the absolute truth and stops you from doing other certain things.”
They also mention “These beliefs don’t always have to be about yourself, either. They could be about how the world works, ideas, and how you interact with people.”
You want to get rid of those beliefs because they serve no purpose, and I may even argue they’re severely holding you back from amazing things in life.
How do we let go of limiting beliefs?
A great way is by repeating affirmations at least once a day. And the great thing about affirmations is that they are free and easy to use!
Another way to let go of limiting beliefs is by pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.
A kind reminder: Your thoughts are not facts. You are the observer of your thoughts, not the other way around.
6. Visualize Your Life With Your Friends
Ah yes, the fun part of manifesting friends. All you have to do when visualizing is take a few minutes, find a quiet place, close your eyes, and imagine yourself with your friends. A few things you could visualize are:
Having deep conversations
Going out to eat
Going to the mall
Having a sleepover
Going out of town
A great tip is to imagine yourself in a specific scenario, with details. So for example, imagine yourself going on a day trip to an amusement park with your friends.
Here are some thought-provoking questions for this scenario:
Who’s gonna drive?
What are you gonna wear?
How many of y’all will go?
Will y’all stay all night?
Will y’all get the fast passes?
I suggest taking time each day and visualizing yourself with your amazing friends. The more you tap into the feelings the more you attract opportunities to actually live those feelings out.
7. Don’t Be Overly Picky While Manifesting Friends
You don’t want to be too rigid with that list of qualities that you made. No one is going to check off every single thing on your list.
It’s good to have things that you don’t agree on; it makes things interesting. Plus, it would get boring to always agree on everything.
If you come across someone with a really cool vibe but then you later discover they have some odd quirk, don’t write them off.
Sometimes the people who are aligned with you can be someone you would’ve never expected. Know what you want but also be open to what’s out there.
FAQ On How To Manifest Friends
How To Identify Bad Friends
Some of you may wonder what are some signs to look out for in a bad friend. Here are some examples:
They always talk negatively about others
They’re overly pessimistic
They’re inconsiderate to anyone else but themselves
Overall a rude person
Now I’m not saying that people with these traits are bad people. But what I am saying is that on a basic level everyone needs to feel seen, heard, and loved and most people with these characteristics are probably not going to be able to provide that in a friendship.
Also, sometimes you may just outgrow a friendship or you realize it’s not what you thought it was. For instance:
Your goals don’t look remotely similar anymore, if ever at all
They may be going down a path that you don’t want for your life
You realize they’re not very kind to you
The friendship is one-sided
How Do You Manifest The Friends You Want?
The best way to manifest the friends you want is by visualizing and using positive feelings. You attract what you are so if you want to attract friends who make you feel good and happy, then you want to start feeling good and happy now.
The trick is finding balance when you visualize something that you want to attract into your life while also still being grateful for what you currently have.
How Do You Manifest An Old Friendship?
I’m going to be honest with you, this may not be the best idea. While it is totally possible to manifest an old friendship, I don’t recommend it because they are an old friend for a reason.
If you still want to manifest an old friendship, the way to do it is by following the same steps above. Visualize, be specific, let go of the outcome, tap into those good feelings, and be patient.
If you were the cause of the friendship breakup, then I would suggest just simply reaching out to them and owning up to your part in things. If they don’t answer, that is your answer.
Can You Manifest A Specific Person?
You absolutely can manifest a specific person!
Manifestation is all about bringing your desires into your reality, and nothing is off-limits. But I have to warn you. The Universe will sometimes give you what you need at that moment and not what you want.
You may be manifesting a romantic relationship with a certain celebrity for example, but what you may not realize is that you’re attempting to manifest a shallow low vibrational person into your life. (I’m not saying all celebrities are like this).
If you are not a shallow low vibrational person, then chances are you will not attract them into your life because you are not on the same frequency. So to answer your question, yes you can manifest a specific person as long as you two are on a similar frequency.
Is It Okay To Manifest Friends?
If you’re wondering is it okay to manifest friends, the answer is yes! Manifestation is all about bringing your desires into your reality, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as you’re not hurting yourself or others.
It is human nature to make your dreams come true. I mean take a look around you, everything you see was originally just a thought.
So, if one of your dreams is to manifest friendship, that is perfectly okay. You have to do what is right for you!
Conclusion on How To Manifest Friends
Learning how to manifest friends into your life can bring so much peace and joy into your life and not just for the obvious reasons.
Although it may sound backward, you’ll find that you will gain a sense of peace while practicing things like gratitude and letting go of limiting beliefs.
These practices alone will better your life with time, so I know they will significantly help you with manifesting friends.
Let your fears go, my friend, for everything will be alright. You are loved and you have a purpose here.
Thank you for reading and until next time!
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“Know what you want but be open to what’s out there.” Beautifully said. I feel like I just got a pep talk by my big sister! I really appreciate your writing skills and how you broke everything down to the T. I’m off to do my T chart 😁