Trying to move on but nothing is working? Feeling stuck and don’t know what direction to go in?
Well, welcome to the right place, my friend. Journal prompts for letting go are the perfect way to jumpstart your healing journey and nudge you in the right direction.
I have compiled a list of the best journal prompts for letting go, moving on, and emotional awareness just for you.
I also listed some of the best journals to help you move forward, at the end.
So let’s get into these journal prompts so we can do away with the old and make room for the new!
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How Journaling Can Help You Move On
Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of journaling itself, let’s get into how journaling and using journal prompts for letting go can really work for you!
1. It’s Freeing Up Space In Your Mind
One of the many amazing things about journaling is that it gives you such a freeing feeling because you are literally freeing up space in your mind. Where those old thoughts (that are now on paper) once were, now stands space to feel and think differently.
Using journal prompts for letting go can specifically aid in this as well because not only does it get some of those thoughts out of your mind but also you don’t have to do too much thinking because the questions are already there for you.
This is why I appreciate journal prompts so much because sometimes you don’t have the energy to come up with your own questions or figure out how you’re feeling.
It really takes the extra work out of it.
2. Helps Organize Your Thoughts And Feelings
Another way that journaling can assist you in letting go is by giving you the space to organize what’s going on in your mind. You get to actually see what you’ve been thinking and feeling.
From there you can take charge of your feelings and decide how you want to go about this.
- Do you need more time to process how you’re feeling?
- Are you ready to move on to a solution?
- Did you have any other feelings that you didn’t realize?
This has been a huge help for me when I’m feeling anxious or overwhelmed because it helps me avoid those negative feedback loops and get everything out and on paper.
3. Releases Unresolved Emotions
Because journaling can help you organize your thoughts and feelings it can also help you release thoughts and feelings that you’ve been holding onto.
Actually getting those emotions down on paper can provide you with a sense of getting something off your chest so you can finally start the healing process.
Journaling has also been known to help you better process emotions as well.
4. Guides You To Forgiveness
Because you’ve released some of those pesky negative thoughts and left room for new positive thoughts, you now have better opportunities to find the path to forgiveness. Forgiving is not easy nor is it linear, but it is 100% worth it.
If you feel like you need a bit of assistance on this check out this handy Online-Therapy where you can get your first month 20% off using my link!
5. Gives You New Things To Look Forward To
The last way that journaling can help you let go is that it can help you find things to look forward to in the future, especially gratitude journaling.
This can be extremely helpful when you’re trying to move on from something because when you’re in that phase of your life it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But with you releasing your thoughts and feelings and making space for more positive ways of thinking this will inevitably give you something to look forward to.
Even if it’s small and ordinary like ice cream.
Learn More: 95 Powerful Self Healing Journal Prompts (Game-Changing)
Journal Prompts For Letting Go
- What is something small I can do right now to let go of my past?
- Name someone who makes you feel safe.
- I am choosing to let go of what is not in my control which is…
- How do I allow (insert person/memory/habit) to affect my life?
- What are 3 positive things that would come from me letting this go?
- What is the most recent accomplishment you’ve made at letting something go?
- What are 3 strengths you have?
- What is one ordinary thing that makes you happy?
- What is a habit you can adopt to help you let go?
- Are there any people in my life holding me back from letting go?
- What would my life look like if I let this go?
- Describe how you’ve been feeling lately in 5 words.
- Today I give myself permission to…
- What are 3 things that bring a smile to your face?
- What is something you can intentionally stay focused on?
- What is one positive takeaway from this experience?
- I feel empowered when…
- I release _____ and choose to replace it with _____.
Journal Prompts For Moving On
- Why am I feeling as though I can’t move on from (insert person, memory, event, etc)?
- What is one thing I can do today to take a step forward?
- Describe something that you’ve overcome in the past.
- What is something that helps me recharge?
- What is a hobby that you can start?
- What are 2 things I can get rid of to help me move on?
- What does moving on look like to me?
- Describe the ideal day by yourself.
- What are 3 things you’re grateful for right now?
- List 2 things you learned from this experience that you can take in the future with you.
- Who is someone you’ve been able to count on recently?
- How has your journey to healing gone thus far? Is there anything you would change about it and if so, what?
- What is something you have to look forward to (big or small)?
- What new boundaries will you set going forward?
- Are you afraid to be alone?
- Do you feel any resentment towards the situation? If so, where do you think it stems from?
- What is something small you can do today to move on from any anger or resentment?
- What is something that inspires you?
- How has this situation altered your perspective?
- What is something you’re hopeful for in the future?
- List 3 things you will gain from moving on.
Journal Prompts For Emotional Awareness
- What is something you recently learned about yourself emotionally?
- How are you feeling right now (without judging yourself)?
- What emotion do you feel like you have the most control over?
- What emotion do I feel I have the least control of? What is one small thing you can do next time to gain better control of it?
- When was the last time you felt jealousy? How did you respond to this feeling?
- Is there a specific emotion I try to suppress? If so, where do you think this stems from?
- What is one thing I can do to allow myself to feel the way I need to feel?
- What has my previous relationship(s) taught me about what I need?
- Have I been trying to avoid my emotions lately? If so, which ones?
- What helps you feel in control?
- What positive activity have you tried that has helped you regulate your emotions?
- How have you been talking to yourself lately? Is it in a productive way?
- What is one small goal you can set for this week?
- What is an insecurity of yours?
- What is an instant trigger for you?
- What causes you to feel envy? How can you replace this emotion with happiness?
- What are you most afraid of? How does this fear affect your life?
- When do you feel the most happy?
- What hobby brings you joy?
- Who makes you feel at peace?
- How often do you feel genuine joy? What is something simple you can do to add more joy to your life?
- Describe something that happened recently that showed some progress in healing.
Read More: 107 Motivational Affirmations For Letting Go And Trusting The Universe
Benefits Of Journaling
1. Enhances Mood
There has been a lot of research that has shown that journaling can be very beneficial at enhancing your mood and there are a few reasons for this.
- You’re releasing how you genuinely feel so you feel heard
- You gain a new perspective on what you were thinking
- It can help you stop overthinking and the negative feedback loop
I’m not sure if it’s the rewarding feeling of releasing how you feel or if it’s the fact that you always gain a different perspective while journaling. I can
2. Reduces Stress
Journaling can significantly help you in reducing stress. Getting your thoughts and feelings out and physically releasing them from your mind is a freeing experience in itself.
Journaling also helps you to organize your thoughts. When your thoughts are in your mind you aren’t able to sort them out like you would on paper.
Studies have also shown journaling can improve your resilience, help you cope with your emotions, and prioritize your problems and concerns.
3. Manage Anxiety
Another benefit of journaling is that it can help you manage your anxiety and depression as well.
Writing your worries, concerns, or fears on paper can help you better identify what is truly bothering you and where it stems from.
Then from there, you’re better able to find a solution and not only one solution but multiple of them.
This is why journaling is so beneficial, especially when you’re learning how to move on.
Tip: Once you write what’s worrying you, make a T-chart. On one side put “what’s in my control” and on the other side “what’s out of my control”. After you sort them out, write 5 small steps you can take to change what is in your control.
4. Improves Your Body
Journaling can not only help you mentally but it can also help you physically.
The act of writing down your thoughts (aka journaling) has been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve the immune system, and improve liver function.
Talk about a 2 for 1!
5. Promotes Mindfulness
Another great benefit of journaling is that it also promotes mindfulness. This will be very helpful in moving on because it will serve as a reminder to come back to the present moment. And if you want to take it a step further it can help you stay focused on what you’re grateful to have in the present moment.
6. Improves Memory
One of the last, but not least, benefits of journaling is that it can actually help to improve your memory as well!
Writing things by hand can help your mind process them better and faster. It can also help your mind to stay focused and commit things to memory.
Credit: Heart Talk Poetic Wisdom For A Better Life by Cleo Wade
The Importance Of Moving On And Letting Go
1. Allows You To Make Room For New Things
Regardless of whether you choose to use these journal prompts for letting go, you still want to make room for new things in your life, and in order to do this you have to let go of the old.
It can be very daunting and difficult, but it’s necessary. That uncomfortable phase will bring so much joy in the end.
2. Helps You Grow As A Person
Letting go will help you grow to your full potential. This can apply to anything: an ex, a habit, a fear.
Will it happen overnight? No, but will it happen? Can you truly let go? Absolutely.
It’s in those small actions you take that add up over time.
The longer you hold onto something that is no longer meant for you, the longer it’ll take to get what is meant for you.
3. Motivates You To Remain In The Present
Choosing to move on can also, simultaneously, move you to be more mindful. As you’re taking it day by day, leaving room for more optimistic thoughts, you will inevitably start to be more in the present moment.
And that’s good because the present moment is where the real shit happens.
4. Helps You Reach Your Goals Faster
One of the most important reasons to move on is because it can help you reach your goals faster!
Because you’re letting go of the old you’re making more room for what’s new, and a lot of times that winds up looking like you making more room for better habits such as:
- Reading
- Eating better
- Hanging out with people who make you feel good
- Exercise
The Best Journals To Move On
Now that you have the best journal prompts for letting go, I want to share some of the best journals I’ve ever discovered AND the journals from this brand that I know can help your journey move on.
But I have to tell you something.
You do not need a journal to be successful. Is it very useful to have a journal? Oh yea, 100%. But do you need one? No.
So now that we got that out of the way, I present to you the best journals I’ve ever found.
Side note: They are very environmentally friendly as they are 100% plastic-free, biodegradable, and made of 100% cotton-sew bind and cotton ribbon.
1. The Weekly Love Planner
I know this isn’t a journal journal but it definitely needed to make the list. This planner is the ultimate guide to cultivating more love and mindfulness.
It also has features to help organize your day, elevate your relationships(not just romantic ones), and deepen your relationship with yourself.
The design is amazing and unlike any other planner I’ve seen. It’s simple yet powerful, and I just highly recommend this planner overall. 10/10.
2. Becoming A Warrior Journal
The Becoming A Warrior Journal can be incredible when it comes to facing your fears, re-writing your story, and overcoming limiting beliefs.
It comes with really cool designs and drawings as well as 186 pages and 100+ thought-provoking prompts.
3. 3x Happier Journal
Another amazing journal that can help you let go is the 3x Happier Journal. It’s essentially a gratitude journal with a guided 60-day voyage to joy and happiness.
You can use it in the morning and evening, as it has spaces for both. And again, it’s good for the environment as it’s 100% plastic-free and fully biodegradable.
Conclusion On Journal Prompts For Letting Go
Journal prompts for letting go can be the perfect push in the right direction.
It can be difficult to let go and sometimes you need that extra umph to get you out of a rut and give you some hope.
Speaking of hope, I hope these journal prompts for moving on bring you a lot of peace and tranquility.
I always recommend drinking some nice warm tea while doing these. Let me know in the comments below which ones were your favorite.
Until next time!
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