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47 Grounding Journal Prompts For Inner Peace & Tranquility

grounding journal prompts

Grounding journal prompts are the best way to get out of your head and come back down to Earth. 

It can be difficult to ground yourself while your thoughts are swirling around in your mind a mile a minute, but using journal prompts for grounding can not only stop those thoughts right in their tracks, they can also help you avoid them in the future.

I only recommend doing a few of these in one sitting because you don’t want to add more stress to your plate, we want to do the exact opposite. 

So, grab you something warm to drink, sit back, and let’s go over some of the best journal prompts to help ground you. 

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Grounding Journal Prompts 

  1. What is something that instantly brings me back to reality? 
  2. What is something ordinary that brings you joy?
  3. What are 3 things you can see right now? What are 2 things you can hear right now? What is 1 thing you can smell right now? What is 1 thing you can taste right now? What are 3 things you can touch/feel right now? 
  4. Who is someone that keeps you grounded in life? In what ways do they keep you grounded?
  5. What does being grounded look like to you?
  6. What is a happy memory that brings you a lot of joy? 
  7. Where do you experience the most peace? 
  8. What is 1 way that you were kind to yourself today?
  9. What is one thing that I can take off my plate this week to reduce some stress?
  10. What is something I can focus on that can bring me peace while I’m feeling anxious?
  11. How often do I find myself feeling uneasy? Where do you think this stems from? 
  12. When do I feel the most free? 
  13. What is something that has helped you remain grounded in the past? 
  14. What is 1 self-care activity that can help you remain grounded? 

Journal Prompts For Inner Peace 

  1. What are 3 things you’re grateful for today?
  2. What does having inner peace look like to you?
  3. What is 1 small thing you can do today to increase your inner peace for the future?
  4. Who is someone that you feel drains you? In what ways do you allow them to drain you? 
  5. What are 2 things you look forward to in the future? 
  6. What does the ideal peaceful day look like to you? 
  7. What is one thing you can do today to help someone else? 
  8. When was the last time you went out in nature? How did you feel?
  9. Name 3 things that bring you peace.
  10. Name 2 people that bring you peace. 
  11. What is 1 small thing you can do to maintain your inner peace?
  12. What kind of boundaries do you have to set to maintain your inner peace? 
  13. Describe the last time you felt at peace.
  14. Is there someone in your life who doesn’t align with your inner peace? If so, who are they and how are they no longer aligned with you? 
  15. Write a letter to your inner critic. 
  16. What is one way you can protect your peace over your point with others?

Mindfulness Journal Prompts 

  1. In what ways have I been showing up for myself this week?
  2. How have I been speaking to myself lately? Has it been constructive or criticizing?
  3. How have I been speaking to my loved ones lately? 
  4. What is one thing I aim to be more mindful of this year?
  5. What does being mindful look like to you? 
  6. What is one new thing I’ve learned about myself this past year? 
  7. What are two things I want to do better next year? 
  8. In what ways could I improve showing up for myself better?
  9. What gets you out of bed in the morning? 
  10. Who is someone in your life who is not mindful? In what ways are you guys similar? 
  11. Who is someone in your life who is mindful? In what ways are you guys similar?
  12. What is one small thing you can do today to be more mindful? 
  13. What is one self-care activity that can help increase your mindfulness?
  14. Who is someone who has helped me recently? In what ways did I show them gratitude?
  15. Describe how you would define success.
  16. Where do you intend to be in the next 5 years? What is one thing you have to do today to achieve this? 
  17. How do you typically spend your mornings? What is one small change you can make to improve your mornings? 

Tips On Using Grounding Journal Prompts 

1. Don’t Do Too Many At Once

Try to avoid doing a bunch of grounding journal prompts at once. I recommend doing 2 or 3 to start and if you want to do more then save it for a later time in the day. 

I say this because when you do a lot of journal prompts at once, it can lead you to feel overwhelmed.

How many journal prompts are too many? I’d say more than 7 in one sitting is too many. 

The more you do in one journal session, the more likely you are to waterdown the session. 

Keep it simple. 

2. Don’t Judge Yourself Or Your Answers 

Even though journaling is a safe space away from people who may be judgmental, unfortunately, it is not a safe space away from your own negative judgmental thoughts.

So you still have to remind yourself not to judge yourself or your answers. 

This is where you want to be entirely honest with yourself and remember that you’re only human and it’s okay to feel the way you feel. 

The point here is to process how you feel so you can move forward, not beat yourself up, and judge yourself. 

3. Be Consistent 

You want to make sure you’re being consistent with it. Aim for once a day if you can and if you can’t then aim for once a week. 

If you’d like to do it twice a day then that works too! There are many people who journal and use grounding journal prompts once in the morning and once in the evening. 

I personally journal about 3 or 4 times a week, mostly in the mornings. 

4. Use Grounding Journal Prompts Somewhere Quiet

When you’re doing these grounding journal prompts, you want to make sure you do them somewhere quiet and free of distractions. 

This is because when you journal in a noisy place, it takes away your focus and can even cause you to be stumped on questions. 

I know when I’ve tried journaling somewhere even semi-noisy I find myself even more frustrated than I was before I started journaling. 

Try to use them somewhere quiet, and if you can’t then try journaling in places such as: 

5. Use A Journal

This last tip is completely optional but is highly recommended. While you don’t have to have a journal to reap the benefits of journaling, it does make the process so much easier. 

You have everything in one place, it gives you something to look forward to, and it keeps your journal sessions more private 

You’re also going to be more likely to keep up with journaling if you have one.

It doesn’t matter if you have an affordable journal or a high-quality journal, just having a journal makes this process 10x easier. 

Benefits Of Journaling 

1. Helps You Regulate Emotions 

One of the biggest benefits of journaling is that it can help you regulate and process your emotions. 

When you’re physically writing something, your mind not only has an easier time processing what you’re writing but you’re also giving your mind space from negative thoughts and feedback loops. 

This can help you see what you’re thinking and feeling, which can in turn help you process those feelings better. 

2. Reduces Stress

Journaling can also serve as an incredible stress reliever, and this happens because of two reasons. 

When you choose to write about your thoughts/feelings, you are releasing what’s going on in your head and giving yourself room to not only process it but also replace it with something that can help you either find: 

3. Increases Mindfulness 

Another way that journaling can greatly benefit you is through increasing your mindfulness. 

After you’ve been journaling for a while (at least a few weeks) you will start to notice what you’re thinking, feeling, saying, doing, etc. 

This can help you, especially in highly stressful situations, because you’ll have a better sense of self-awareness which can then help you have a better sense of solving your concerns. 

Having an increase in mindfulness can also help you ground yourself because you’ll be putting yourself in the present moment and becoming more mindful about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. 

4. Improves Your Mood 

Research has shown that journaling can serve as a mood booster and even help you reduce things such as anxiety and depression. 

Journaling causes you to prioritize what you’re feeling and what is stressing you out the most helping to create a sense order in a whirlwind full of chaos. 

Certain journaling techniques specifically can also help you improve your mood (gratitude journaling) because they help you redirect your focus and train your mind to find small gems of things to be grateful for throughout the day. 

When I first started journaling, I started with gratitude journaling, and I can tell you from first-hand experience it has helped me completely turn around my old pessimistic way of viewing the world. 

I can genuinely say that it becomes easier and easier to not only find something to be grateful for but to also get myself out of a rut. 

5. Serves As An Emotional Outlet 

The last but not least way that journaling can benefit you is by being an emotional outlet and safe space. 

It’s difficult to work through how you’re feeling in your head, and it’s even more difficult to do in a space where people are 

That’s why journaling can be so handy because you don’t have to deal with dismissive judgemental people and you still get the space to get what you need to say off your chest. 

It’s healthy, it doesn’t harm anyone else, it’s private, and it’s free. 

Takeaway On Grounding Journal Prompts

Grounding journal prompts can be the best way to release overwhelm and replace it with peace.

Using them is simple yet effective and you can use them whenever or wherever you need them. 

Again, I only recommend doing a few of these in one sitting (about 2 or 3). If you happen to want to do more later in the day, then that’s okay, but I don’t recommend doing a lot in one sitting. 

All in all, I hope these grounding journal prompts bring you a lot of inner peace and help you protect your peace in the future. 

Thank you for showing up for yourself and thank you for reading! 


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