Last updated on December 27th, 2023 at 12:49 am
If you’ve been struggling in letting go of the outcome with your manifestation you’re in luck because the best affirmations for letting go and trusting the universe just found you!
One of the biggest challenges, yet the most important steps, in manifestation can be letting go of the final outcome.
When you constantly stress and worry about your manifestation, you put yourself in a position of desperation and lack. And when you operate out of desperation, you get desperate results and we don’t want that.
We want you to have everything your heart truly desires, so that’s why I made a list of powerful affirmations just for you! Follow along with the best affirmations for letting go and trusting the universe so you can achieve all it is you desire.
Disclaimer: The ones in bold are the affirmations that speak out to me the most at the time of writing this. Please feel free to use whatever affirmations that speak out to you the most.
Remember, this is about getting You to where you want to be in life. Please do not try to take on more than 5 affirmations at a time. The goal is quality not quantity. I hope you enjoy and thank you for being here!
Read More: 61 Journal Prompts For Letting Go (Guaranteed!)
Affirmations For Letting Go And Trusting The Universe
- The universe always has my back and God is always guiding my steps
- The universe always provides me with everything I need. Even in times of scarcity I will keep trusting the process.
- The more I give to the universe, the more the universe gives back to me
- My faith in God and the universe is unmatched
- The more I let go, the more I receive
- I am grateful that God always takes care of me no matter what
- I am infinitely loved and protected
- I trust the Universe to help me get to the places that I dream about
- The infinite source of life is always here, to guide me through my steps, and provide me with the right opportunities at the right time
- The universe always provides me with opportunities to become the person I need to be to live the life of my dreams
- I feel blessed that the Universe shows me important signs that I need at the time
- I trust in the Universe to provide me with all the things I need to succeed
- I choose to find joy in the process and not the destination. When I continue to put in effort for the process each day, the Universe takes care of the rest for me
- Everything is happening exactly the way it needs to in my life
- What I seek is seeking me
- I trust the timing
- I am living in alignment with who I am truly meant to be
- I welcome all miracles that are meant for me
- I am grateful to have everything I need to succeed
Affirmations For Letting Go Of Someone
- I am choosing to move on
- I refuse to give away my freedom by allowing someone to disturb my mind
- The people who are truly meant to be in my life will remain in my life
- I do not have to chase or beg for the right people to be in my life
- I trust that the universe will guide me to people who will help me get to the next level
- It’s okay for me to walk away from someone who isn’t right for me
- I let go of the people who no longer serve me
- I am not a bad person for putting myself and my needs first
- My growth is very important to me, and if I have to remove some people in my life to get to where I want to be then that’s okay
- I am excited to make room for new people in my life
- I am capable of healing and moving on from this person
- This person no longer deserves my time or energy, so I am making the choice to move on
- I deserve only the very best out of life
- I refuse to settle for anything
- Everything will come together exactly how it’s supposed to
- I leave room for the people who are aligned with me to come into my life
Affirmations For Letting Go Of Negative Thoughts
- I have an abundance of love, peace, and happiness in my life
- My positive thoughts are extremely powerful. My negative thoughts are weak.
- I am 100% capable of achieving ALL of my goals
- I let go of the limiting beliefs that no longer serve me or my purpose here
- The possibilities are endless when I choose to surrender to the universe
- I am excited for all of the amazing opportunities that await me in life
- Everything always works out in my favor
- My limiting beliefs are only an illusion. Everything that is meant for me will be mine.
- I am committed to learning on this journey to my dream life
- I choose to stay optimistic through all situations, even the most difficult ones
- The small actions I take today have the power to improve my tomorrow
- I choose to keep my mind free from doubts and worry so I can experience all of the new opportunities that God is providing me
- I choose to let go of doubtful thoughts that don’t serve me. What is meant for me is mine.
- I choose to replace each negative thought with a positive one
- My negative thoughts and feelings are only temporary
- I have the strength to rise above all negativity
- Good things always come my way
- I deserve to be at peace in my mind
- There is more good in the world than what I have known in the past
- I choose to keep an open and optimistic mindset
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Affirmations For Letting Go Of The Past
- My past does not define my future
- I am in control of my destiny
- I am in alignment with what I truly desire
- I am courageously fighting for my dreams, one step at a time
- I trust that difficult situations will always lead to divine places
- I am grateful that I always have the opportunity to grow from every challenge I face in life
- I am right where I need to be
- I choose to let go of my past emotions, disappointments, and failures so I can keep an open mind to accept all that is meant for me
- I am grateful for everything that I have
- I choose to trust in myself and the steps I take, for I know as long as I am trying I am headed in the right direction
- I can’t change my past but I can change my future by taking action today
- I am forever evolving into who I need to be to live the extraordinary life I want to live
- I embrace this new chapter of my life and all the new beginnings that come with it
- I am not going to look back at my past. I choose to keep looking forward.
- I am free from my past
- I am optimistic that I am creating an incredible life for myself
- I am grateful to have everything I need to build a beautiful life for myself
- I forgive myself and the choices I have made in the past
- My experiences have shaped me into who I am today, and those experiences were necessary for the growth I have accomplished
Affirmations For Letting Go Of Fear
- I am connected to an infinite source that is always looking out for me
- I trust the process
- I am free from my fears, doubts, and anxieties
- I do not need to worry about my manifestation, for everything happens exactly when it’s supposed to happen
- As I continue to surrender to the Universe, my struggles are lifted off my shoulders one by one
- I cherish my connection to all realms and understand that anything is possible when I’m committed
- I am a part of an infinite life source with endless potential
- I let go of all the things I cannot change, and I have the courage to change the things I can
- It’s okay to not know what the outcome may be. This is an opportunity for me to take a deep breath, sit back, and allow things to be the way they were meant to be.
- I choose not to worry about the things I have no control over
- I choose to leave my comfort zone and experience the new beginnings that the universe is trusting me with
- There is a bright and happy future waiting for me to become the person I need to be to live that lifestyle
- I have full faith that I can manifest all that I desire
- I have no reason to fear, everything always works out in my favor
- I am connected to an infinite source of love and life. I do not need to worry about the end results.
- God always takes care of me
- I choose not to worry about my manifestation because I know and trust that everything always works out in my favor
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Affirmations For Letting Go Of Expectations
- I trust and believe everything always happens for a reason
- I allow my expectations in life to be flexible so I can be open to receiving all that is meant for me
- It’s okay not to have all of the answers. It leaves space for new beginnings and growth.
- God has a greater plan than mine
- Regardless of the final outcome, I am always taken care of
- I surrender all of my expectations to the Universe
- I choose to allow things to take their course, the way they’re supposed to
- I trust that when things don’t happen based on my expectations, God has a bigger and better plan for me
- I choose to trust the universe when things don’t go as I expected them to go
- What I want and what I need isn’t always the same thing
- Everything that is meant for me will come my way
- I do not need to be perfect, but I do need to show up for myself each day
- What I want in life may change as time goes on and that’s okay
- I release all fears of not being perfect. I do not need to be perfect. I need to be me.
- I am enough
- My mistakes do not define me. My mistakes are stepping stones to get me to where I want to be in life.
FAQ On Affirmations For Letting Go And Trusting The Universe
How Do You Let Go Fully and Trust The Universe?
If you’ve wondered how do you let go fully and trust the universe, the answer is by embracing the uncertainty in life, finding 3 things to be grateful for each day, learning from your past, surrendering to the present moment, and devoting time to bettering yourself each day.
What Is The Mantra For Trusting The Universe?
The mantra for trusting the universe is: “I trust and believe the universe is always working things out in my favor. Everything that is meant to be will happen exactly how it’s supposed to.”
How Do You Let The Universe Give You Want You Want?
How to Let the Universe Give You Want You Want:
- Get clear on exactly what you want in life
- Take small daily actions to achieve your goal
- Be intentional with your thoughts and habits
- Put yourself out there to have the opportunity to experience the new things you want in life
- Let go of all expectations
What To Do When The Universe Is Against You?
What to do when the universe is against you:
- Step out of your perspective and see where you’ve gone wrong
- Be willing and committed to letting go of old habits
- Practice gratitude for the things you have today
- Put together a plan that will get you where you want to be
- Let go of all negative thoughts that do not get you closer to your dreams
Why Is The Universe Not Giving Me What I Want?
If you’ve been wondering why is the universe not giving me what I want, the answer is a little complex. The universe gives you tests and trials to see how you handle them. So while it may seem like you’re not getting what you want, you are in actuality getting exactly what you need.
How Do I Tell The Universe What I Want?
If you’re curious to know how do I tell the universe what I want the answer is:
- Get very specific about what it is you want
- Visualize yourself having it
- Put in small daily actions to achieve that goal
- Maintain positive thoughts in your mind that align with that desire
- Find 3 things a day to be grateful for each day
Conclusion On Affirmations For Letting Go And Trusting The Universe
Using affirmations for letting go and trusting the universe can be one of the best things you can do in your manifestation journey.
Learning to trust the universe can be a very difficult task, but once you use these affirmations, you will start to notice less stress and more trust.
Now that you have taken the step of searching for affirmations for letting go and trusting the universe, the next step for you is to take action. The best way for you to take action is by choosing three affirmations on this list that speak to you the most and repeating them each day.
Take some time to give yourself a huge pat on the back for showing up for yourself, and thank you for reading my friend.
Until next time my friend!
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